Sunday, April 13, 2014

Lenscratch - Kari Werh


    The blog had a more open ended design that I particularly don't like. It made finding the actual article a little bit more confusing. I prefer a more categorical design so I can see the larger gallery of articles rather than just one article at a time, so I can explore the blog easier.

   To be honest I choose this article because it was the most recent one. The picture of the old man looking up was mildly interesting due to his rainbow suspenders and the fact that the subject is an older man against a gray sky. The article was about the photographer's series called Keep Looking Up, honestly I thought the series was pretentious and very lack luster. I felt that the photographer showed to much attention to his photos and that the only way there were even remotely interesting was via subject matter rather than creative technique, even then the topic felt rather lazily chosen.

Glasstire - Michael A. Morris
Michael A. Morris, Fires, film still
 The blog was nice and simple. Easy to navigate, relatively modern design.
The reason I choose this particular article was because the title's picture was interesting. As shown above, the picture is a nice landscape, the blurriness of the picture lends itself to having more ephemeral qualities that put the picture more in the land of fantasy than reality for me. The article was about these film makers and their short film series they are making. It was rather interesting, I especially liked their use of distortion in images to distance the viewer from the subject.